Sunday, April 18, 2010


Last Saturday night Victoria told me that her neck hurt. I took her temp and it was 99.5 degrees. Gave her some Tylenol and put her to bed. The next day the highest her temp got was 100.5 and she said her neck hurt a little. Monday, I checked her tonsils on the outside and they were SO BIG I looked inside and they were touching and very red and white. We took her to the instant care as our Dr could not get her in until later that day. Her strep culture was positive instantly and she started to get a rash on her torse...which is scarlet fever. So, I had a sick little girl who luckily I had been keeping away from her father since Sat night because he was having surgery.

Tuesday, Victoria was no longer contagious and Louis had half of his thyroid and a 3.33cm x 5cm lump removed. We had a biopsy done on it 2 weeks ago and it showed no signs of cancer then but the Dr will send the lump to the pathologist to re-check it again. We had a lot of stress in our lives while waiting for the results. Tuesday, we arrived at 10am, surgery started at 12pm, he was out at 2pm and in recovery for an hour and then we spent from 4pm until 6pm in post-op surgery. He was feeling better yesterday that he did some yard work and today feeling a little better. He is very tired and in pain by the end of the day.

That was how we spent Louis' week of vacation. But everyone is better now and on the mend. I am glad that I am able to take care of my family when it is needed. I love them all so very much.

1 comment:

grandma1 said...

Wow, that is a lot of stress. I'm glad everything is quieting down. When will you know about Louis's biaupsy?