Saturday, January 2, 2010

Victoria's 3rd Birthday

Well, as of right this minute at 9:51am 3 years ago my little girl was 1 hr and 37 mins old. I cannot believe that 3 years have already gone by. She is such a beautiful little girl and I can just see the beautiful woman that she is going to become. We are pretty sure that she will have a career invloving animals. She has loved them for about 2 years now and loves to watch animal planet and learn about the animals. She loves the Zoo of course. She is a girl who cares about everyone. She wants to know how you are doing and will take care of you if you are ill. She is learning patience and that is hard. She loves to cook and bake with me. If I am in the kitchen you can guarantee that she will be in there with me. She has a lot of chores she does now, set the table, wash dishes, put silverware away, out groceries away, feed the dish, give Hercules water, let him in and out for potty and other daily things...make her bed and put toys away. If someone else tries to do her chore she will tell you that it is her job.

The Birthday Girl
The Birthday Girl and Elizabeth

We celebrated her birthday at the bowling alley. It was so much fun. They had the room decorated in purple and white because that is what Victoria wanted her colors to be. We first did some bowling, ate pizza, ate cake and ice cream, opened presents and then played some games. The kids who was mostly all girls but one boy had a blast bowling. The bowling alley gave her a bowling pin which all the kids signed and a t-shirt.
Her presents she received are:
Mama, Papa and Elizabeth got her a Toyota FJ Cruiser Princess Vehicle
Mamaw got her a Barbie, 2 Playdoh sets, Jewlery box and Bendaroos
Campbell Family got her a Dr Kit
Megan got her a Fancy Nancy Dress Up Game
Arianna got her a Dora Dress Up Outfit
Brooke and Tinity got her a Snow White Doll
Mary and Dimitri got her Lunar Sand and a coloring page

I made her bowling cake and it was a lot of fun but also a lot of work frosting it.

I put her FJ Cruiser together last night and her and Elizabeth cannot stay out of it. They love playing in it and driving it. Victoria will tell her Sister that she needs to be her passenger and Elizabeth gets in and turns on the radio. Today they were in that thing from the time they got up till it was bath time. We played her Fancy Nancy game and that was a lot of fun. She has played with her Bendaroos and Lunar Sand. She loves her Dr Kit. I think today she gave me 500 shots and checked my blood pressure 100 times. She loves to play make believe and I love watching her. Elizabeth loves to be right next to her doing everything she is doing.
It was a great 3rd birthday and I look forward to many more with her.

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