Friday, July 10, 2009

Elizabeth Swimming Lessons

This week Elizabeth started her swimming lessons for two weeks. She loves the water and is doing great. She had a great first two days and then when Papa and Sister came to watch her she just cried. She had been up since 5:45am that morning and was just done by 9am for lessons. All in all though she did a good job. She loves to lay on the kick boards and swim around the pool. She kicks her feet while swimming around the pool. She hates to do bobs but what kid really likes them. She kicks her feet while sitting on edge of pool, jumps off the edge, kicks her feet on her back and front while going around the pool and walks in and out the pool. She really enjoys going and just has a blast.
Our class
She is not very happy in this picture.
She can now say Mama and I am soooooooooo excited. She crawls so fast, pulls herself up on things, gets to a sitting position by herself and she loves to be with her Mama. If I leave the room she will freak out and start to cry. She is doing so good. She drinks really well from a cup now, sucks from a straw and does the silliest things. She would crawl under her exersaucer and then get stuck and start to scream, I would tell her that she needs to get out and she would. She is just such a joy.

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