Louis and I have been wanting to get the girls a play structure for the back yard but have been waiting. Well, we found one that was on sale and we bought it. It took Louis about 2.5 days all together to get up, almost all by himself, I helped a little bit. The girls have had so much fun on it already. They were even having fun when we hooked the ladder and slide to the trampoline to use. Now they have a slide, swings, glider, monkey bars, picnic table and club house. They had some friends over to play on it already. I am glad that we have it so, I don't have to worry about germs at the playground, you who know me will understand. Even Victoria said today when I asked her to wash her hands after playing on it, "Mom, you said I won't get germs from it." I guess I am a little OCD about germs but that is OK. Anyway, lots of fun for the girls and I know that they can be in the backyard playing I don't have to be there too. Thanks Papa for building it for them.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
1st Day of Pre-school
Victoria started her first day of Pre-school at Challenger Private school. When she woke up, she said that she did not think she was old enough to go to school yet. I told her that she was and then she was very excited to go. When we went to orientation the week before I was crying but the day we dropped her off I was so excited for her. We walked her into her class and dropped her off with her teacher, Mrs.Adina. We first just drove through the parking lot and left. Victoria was mad and wondered why we did not drop her off at school. I knew that she was not going to cry or have a problem going to school. When we picked her up, she got in the car and started to tell us all about her day. She drew a circle and then colored it and stayed in the lines. She said they learned about the letter, "M". She goes Tuesday and Thursday, half day but we are thinking of send her Mon-Fri, half day. She said that she loves school and cannot wait to go back. I cannot believe that my baby girl is old enough for school. Louis said, "I still remember that little black head coming out of you and now she is in school." Time flies by so quickly.
Hogle Zoo
We went to the Zoo with Kimmie, Chaz and Charlee. We got there early enough that the Tiger boys were up playing with food. We watched baby Zuri play around in her enclosure and then her mom splashed her with mud. The kids rode on the carousel and then we all went on the train. We had lunch at the Zoo but the kids wanted to play more than eat. I took the wagon and at first nobody was riding in it and then all of a sudden I had 3 kids in it. It was fun. We saw the Gorillas and the new Gorilla, Husani was so cute. He was standing up just looking at the kids through the window. Elizabeth loves the Gorillas. It was so much fun to spend the morning with my dear friend who I never get to see. Victoria loved seeing her friend too and spending time with her. Chaz was a great helper with Elizabeth, he took good care of her.

Thank you Shafer family....can't wait to go to Lagoon together.
Petting Zoo
We went to Gardner Village's Petting Zoo with Adrienne, Avery, Easton and Gracen. The kids LOVED it so much. First they went on pony rides and had to much fun. Then we went to see the animals. They saw; goats, pigs, ducks, bunnies, chickens, a Llama, turtle, bull, donkey and an Ostrich. Avery was chasing the duck trying to pet it and he touched it a few times. Victoria tried to touch it but was a little scared. Then we went walking around and looked at the pond with fish in it. Went into a candy store and found some candy from my childhood and it was so yummy. Then we had lunch at the Bakery. Victoria was spinning the chip holder around and it fell over onto the floor. Everyone sat and had much and then had cookies. The kids were so crazt while eating I thought we were at the zoo. We always have fun with the Bybee family.

Dino Museum
We went to the Dino Museum with Annie, Hannah, Sophie and Jonah. It was so much fun. We lost Hannah for a second and then the next minute we lost Sophie. We decided that we needed to talk to the girls because it was VERY busy there. After that we had no more missing children. The girls loved looking at the dinos together and talking about them. We went to a 3D under the sea movie about prehistoric animals. Victoria and Hannah were a little scared. But Elizabeth and Sophie just watched the movie with no trouble. Jonah was busy doing other things and was not interested in the movie. All the kids played in the sand, digging for bones. Little Jonah and Elizabeth thought it was funny to throw sand at everyone. Then at the water play area the 3 older girls played together while Elizabeth and Jonah talked to each other. Jonah kept hitting Elizabeth and I showed him how to be nice. I video taped Elizabeth showing Jonah this and then Jonah hit her again and she told him no and again how to be nice. It was so dang cute as he just let her do it. All the kids had a great time with each other and I cannot wait until we get together again. I loved talking with a good friend and being in great company. Thank you Palmer family.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Monster Trucks
Louis got 4 tickets to the Monster Truck show from his work. We called our neighbors to see if they wanted to go with us. The race started at 6pm. We got both the girl ear muffs and they were so cute in them. Elizabeth's would squish her cheeks together...so cute. They did qualifying first, we watched race cars race and sprint car racing. Once they qualifying was over BigFoot, the original and 6 year winner, and another truck raced side by side twice around the track...BigFoot kicked some butt. Then all the trucks came out one by one and did free style and that was SOOO cool. They jumped over big jumps, long jumps, popped wheelies and did donuts. It was so much fun. The girls had a blast. At 10pm it was time to go home. Elizabeth was alseep in my arms and Victoria was crying because she did not want to go home. I told her we had to get home before the drunks got on the road...LOL. I am so glad that Miriam and Mikayla went with us...it was just so much fun and so much fun to watch the girls have fun. Hated paying $15 for 4 hotdogs and $2.50 for a drink that would cost $1.00 at Maverik...but on well.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Shed
So, finally Louis has a shed for all his stuff, it better be big enough 12x16. The day we got it delivered, Victoria said now we have someplace to keep my horse. We had to build the forms, spread out 5 yards of dirt and spread 3 yards of gravel. We were all set to lay the concrete ourselves but I convinced Louis that we should hire it out and we did. That was a blessing. The girls loves helping spread the dirt and gravel. The day we did dirt, they were so dirty, they had never been that dirty ever in their lives. But they had to much fun digging and building volcanos. Now, we have been moving everything in it...the garage is empty and there is plenty of room for my truck. We have to paint it to match the house but other than that it is done. We got one smoking deal on it and if I told you the price we paid I would have to kill you...LOL.
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